tawsha mom facetime

There's something about FaceTime that is just way too real. Do you look at yourself when you're FT-ing with someone? My mom and I will call each other and then focus on things about ourselves. This conversation's topic: Hair. It was time to take action. 

It seems that this time of year is the time for change. Every September I'm on the hunt for a new hairstyle, a different way to wear makeup, new clothes, etc. It never fails. My mom is the same way. We're a winning combination.

Mom and I were chatting yesterday about how we've just let our hairstyle go. Wow, first world problems, for sure. We're in a rut. It's time to take action!

No warning, no prep- just do.

I wanted my bangs (or lack thereof) to figure themselves out. They didn't. Dear hairdressers, I'm sorry but I cut those suckers off last night. After searching through Pinterest to find a quick how-to, I grabbed the scissors and had a little DIY salon in my bathroom.


#win or #fail

or... #nodifferent

Do you get this way in the fall?

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