Losing weight takes a whole lot of work and eight out of ten people who hit their goals end up gaining it back later. St. Luke's offers a philosophy that is key to keeping it off.
If you eat 100 calories and it takes the body 100 calories worth of energy to digest that, it's net-zero, and big dieting win. Some foods that get close to that mark and will help hit weight loss goals.
If you're trying to lose weight, choosing the best diet plan can feel sort of like trying to drink from a fire hose. There are so many choices! But there is one trick that can work right alongside all of them, and it's your best chance at success.
Over the past three years, I got serious about improving my health. I ost about 75 pounds, and have kept them off over the last two years. I have, however, noticed one change.
It has been a long 5 months for the participants of the St. Luke's $10,000 Weight Loss Challenge, but the moment of truth is here. Participants had their final weigh in to find out their overall weight loss progress and to find out if they were one of the winners of the $10,000...
Andrew Flinders Taylor is attempting something that no one else we know has ever done before. He's eating nothing but potatoes this year, and so far he's lost 22 pounds.
Do you ever feel bombarded with diet and fitness advice? Me too! There's a lot of clutter out there, and sometimes I just want to hear one person's story about what worked for them so I can copy it. Here's what worked for me.
I don't know if this is some cruel joke or the most awesome invention in the world. It was unveiled at CES that a belt (named "Belty") will automatically expand if your waistband expands. What's your initial reaction?
Making a New Years Resolution is a something most of us do. We do it with great intentions, with enthusiasm and with all the hope in the world. When that enthusiasm wears off...then what? Here's how to stick to our goals and carry them through until we reach the goal we so badly wanted to reach.