
The Best Trees Have Ornaments With a Story
The Best Trees Have Ornaments With a Story
The Best Trees Have Ornaments With a Story
We'll probably walk past a hundred Christmas trees this season and never know the full story behind each ornament. The ones that have been hand-made by a relative can probably tell an important story if we take the time to ask.
If You See a Scarf on a Tree, Here’s What it Means
If You See a Scarf on a Tree, Here’s What it Means
If You See a Scarf on a Tree, Here’s What it Means
If you see a scarf hanging on a tree outside around Boise, or even inside the mall on one of those Christmas trees, it's no accident. There's meaning behind the scarves left lying around town, and those who find them "fitting" can keep them.
My Birthday Present
My Birthday Present
My Birthday Present
Each year for my birthday I enjoy my present, getting the house decorated for Christmas.  This year while I moved our 29 year old Palomino to the a stall on the south side of the barn, Brenda made the house festive. It's the best present I can have, knowing that even though our budget is tight, the spirit isn't...
I'm Sorry
I'm Sorry
I'm Sorry
Stores put Christmas decorations out early for people like me.  I'm sorry!  I'm packing up my three girls this weekend and we're going to get a Christmas tree.