Amidst the news of another summer closure for the City of Caldwell's pool, residents can turn to the Caldwell Y for relaxation and swimming activities...
In a tragic incident early this morning, April 17th, 2024, the Caldwell Police Department responded to a 911 call reporting a shooting in the 12000 block...
Following a disturbing incident at Ward Park in Caldwell, reports are circulating on local community Facebook groups about a dog killer evading police...
The Caldwell Police Department announced last week the arrest of 30-year-old Matthew Landers on charges of indecent exposure. Landers, a convicted sex...
On April 18th, 2024, from 10:00am to 2:00pm, job seekers in Idaho will have the chance to explore a wealth of exciting and available opportunities at the...
Depending on how long you’ve lived in Idaho, there are some news stories that live in your head rent free but surface when you’re least expecting them to.