A little jarring hearing the captain pop on the mic two days after 9/11 to tell us he has to divert the plane away from Boise, here's how it went down...
Dump stations at TSA checkpoints can fill up in a hurry if passengers forget they have liquids and have to part with them. But now there's one full-size item that you won't have to throw away, and there's a medical reason behind it.
If the thought of getting stuck in the middle of a huge crowd at the airport doesn't appeal to you, book these three travel days this Thanksgiving and avoid the headaches.
Even if your phone gets down to six percent battery life, you might want to keep on walking right past the charging hub at the airport. Here's how using a public charging station just might ruin the rest of your summer!
Need a timesaver? For $3.50, you can now reserve a parking space in the short-term garage at the airport and have quick access to the walkway that gets you into the airport terminal.