Nampa Restaurant, Bar, Closed for Business
Food, drinks, and late night parties will no longer be available at a downtown Nampa restaurant today.
Destination 112, one of the "newer" businesses in downtown Nampa today has annouced via Facebook that they are closed for business. Just last summer, I was out there giving out Boise Music Festival tickets at what was a pretty awesome downstairs night club venue. Upstairs was the restaurant that offered food and live, local music.
Having grown up in Nampa, I've seen many businesses come and go in that same space on 13th avenue south and Destination 112 always looked to me, like the best renovation, concept, and fit to last in that spot. Unfortunately, it's now closed.
No reason for the closure has been offered to patrons or the community just yet-- their Facebook page name simply has changed as of this afternoon from "Destination 112" to "Destination 112 Closed For Business).
A great many comments on their page show many people are saddened to see the news.
We'll keep you posted as more information or explanations become available.
See their Facebook page, HERE.
See their website which thanks patrons for "a great 5 months", HERE.