Over the last several years, the division in our nations political climate has only become more and more polarizing-- from the White House all the way down to our local elections.

With a disgraced past, a controversial political figure in Idaho--most specifically, Caldwell, Idaho is back in the political arena and is seeking election to be Caldwell's next mayor: 

Disgraced John McGee Runs For Mayor of Caldwell

Up for re-election in 2023 on the Caldwell City Council, John McGee, a former State of Idaho lawmaker, is on the ballot for Mayor of Caldwell this fall. When McGee won his seat on Caldwell City Council in 2019, reaction outside of Caldwell felt slightly disappointed. In Caldwell, however, McGee won--fair and square. About 3,000 votes were cast for Seat 6 and McGee won 39.24% of these votes. Eventually, there was a run-off election, which McGee also won.

In 2011, John McGee was arrested in Ada County for Driving Under the Influence and grand theft with blood alcohol content nearly double the legal limit. In this incident, McGee stole an SUV and eventually crashed it in a resident's front yard. McGee was only convicted on the DUI charge.  At the time, he was an Senator for the State of Idaho--his resignation came in 2012 following accusations of sexual harassment. 

If you are interested in knowing more about the mayoral race in Caldwell, click HERE.

To be hosted by the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce this week--Wednesday, October 20th, there will be a debate between the candidates for Mayor of Caldwell--this includes John McGee.

Boise Police Arrest 11 in Secret Operation

Here in the Treasure Valley, we aren't used to seeing large groups of arrests or frankly, any serious crimes. On Tuesday, September 21st, however, the Boise Police Department hauled in 11 arrests in one successful "sting" operation.

These 20 Crimes Are Still Unsolved in Boise

Can you identify anyone in these photos or surveillance videos? The Boise Police Department is hoping that you can give them a tip leading to more information! Who would have thought that the City of Boise would have so many unsolved crimes!


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