In today’s day and age of the internet where it’s easy for people to be skeptical and critical of brands across all industries, there’s one company that every generation considers the most trusted brand in America. From Baby Boomers to Gen Z, a single company rose to the top. 

Clarify Capital, a financial service company with the mission of helping small businesses find loans and other financial resources to succeed, took on the massive task of trying to figure out which brands Americans trust the most.

KEEP READING: Least Trusted Restaurant Chain in America Has 7 Idaho Locations

They started looking at businesses across the country from a 30,000 foot view and asked survey respondents what industries they trusted the most. The choices were:

  • Health care
  • Construction
  • Repairs
  • Technology
  • Real estate
  • Restaurants
  • Retail
  • Finance
  • Transportation
  • Legal
  • Government/Politics
  • News Media
  • Advertising and marketing
  • Entertainment

Health care came out as the most trusted industry in the nation and in Idaho. Based on how polarized Idahoans became about COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine recommendations on either side of the aisle, we’re actually really surprised to see health care being the most trusted industry in the state. 


They did a deeper breakdown of the most trusted brands in the restaurant, retail, technology, finance, media and healthcare categories and which brand, regardless of category, each generation found trustworthy. While Baby boomers (1946-1964,) Gen X (1965-1980), Millennials (1981-1996) and Gen Z (1997-2012) disagreed on their least trusted brand, they unanimously chose Amazon as the most trusted brand in the country. 

America’s Most Trusted Brand Has a Large Presence in Idaho

It wasn’t all that long ago that Amazon opened their huge fulfillment center in Nampa. According to their website, their main investments in the Gem State include two fulfillment centers, three delivery stations and the Whole Foods location in Boise.

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Since 2010, they’ve invested $1.6 billion in infrastructure and employee wages. The company estimates that those investments have helped add $1.4 billion to Idaho’s gross domestic product. 

Amazon Fulfillment Centre Prepares Ahead Of Christmas
Getty Images,

When you break down how many jobs they’ve created? As of January, the company says they have 4,000 full and part-time employees in Idaho and have also supported an additional 5,400 indirect hires. Finally, they estimate more than 2,000 independent sellers in Idaho are using Amazon to collect orders and serve customers. 

LOOK: These Are the 50 Biggest Retailers in America; 2 Are Based in Idaho

We put together a list of the top 50 biggest retailers in America using retail sales data from Kantar, provided by the National Retail Federation. They were ranked by the dollar amount of retail sales they did in 2022.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

KEEP LOOKING: See what these Idaho company logos looked like then and now

It's fascinating to see the evolution of a brand that you interact with regularly. Sometimes, the changes are subtle, and sometimes their not. Check out how these companies that Idahoans see nearly every day have modified their look over the years.

Gallery Credit: Marco

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