Because getting amazing results & saving money can be a thrill!

Before the recent Elton John concert at Taco Bell Arena I was having fun grabbing fashionista's out of the line headed into the show for some quick pics!  I found an instant friend when a woman who looked particularly amazing in her outfit whispered in my ear "two dollars and ninety five cents" just before the picture was snapped.  We formed an instant bond when she explained that she'd only paid $2.95 for her dress at a clearance sale!  My "new" top only cost me $3 at a sidewalk consignment shop and (yes!) it has a designer label.

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I love to channel my thrifty inner shopping huntress and score amazing deals on great stuff.   I also keep an eye out for inexpensive ways to get great results for all kinds of stuff for the family and around the house.

A few "Halloweeny" things I've come across that could save you big $$$ and get you tons of compliments!   Click on the links I've set up for you below for costing saving easy ideas:




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