Thank you Imaging Center of Idaho for hosting my annual Mammo Party Saturday!


Cancer is a serious subject and a scary one to have to talk about, but it's easier when friends come together and support each other.  Thank you to Kneaders Bakery for providing the fresh juice, fruit and croissants.  Each of my BFF's went home with 2 goodie bags from Weiser Classic Candy Co, Imaging Center of Idaho and of course Christmas music (Pentatonix cd!!) from 107.9 Lite FM.

Thank you Natalia for graciously handling all the paperwork and getting everyone checked in.


Lori did an amazing job co-ordinating and even decorating the office for this event.  She answered all of our questions and provided a "demo" breast and the opportunity for all of us to experience what a suspicious lump would indeed feel like.


Our Mammogram Technician Jo (no - "E") Lawson has over 50 years of experience in her field and she has the knack for putting each person at ease during their procedure.   We asked her what her secret is and she explained that not only is it just the soft pad technology at the Imaging Center of Idaho but that she walks each women through the process, allows them to view their mammogram on the computer screen and treats each woman as "person" and not just another appointment.   Jo said that in all of her years doing mammograms the digital technology that they have at the Imaging Center of Idaho is the best she's ever seen when it comes to detecting any abnormalities that might be cancerous.

"LIKE" the Imaging Center of Idaho's facebook page for the chance to WIN an iPad mini.

If you need to get an MRI, CT scan, digital colonoscopy or mammogram you can request that your doctor refer you to the Imaging Center of Idaho.

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