Here is how I was able to get rid of 4.5 pounds in 15 minutes! 

Check out my "before" and "after" pictures:





I'd been meaning to clean out my purse/bag for a while now but I just never could find the time to do it.  So, last night I had an odd little window of time between getting back from the grocery story and when I needed to leave again to go work out.  So I challenged myself to finally get my mess under control.   I hate doing stuff like this but if I make it a "beat the clock" kinda game I can stay focused and "git-r-dun!"   Since I was curious I weighed my bag first, then set my oven timer for 15 minutes and dug in.   When the buzzer went off I'd discarded and sorted out four and a half pounds of receipts, plane tickets, Christmas show passes, 14 pens, 3 markers, 6 tubes of lipstick, broken sunglasses (they were my favorite!) old candy canes and.....well,  you get the idea.  When I was done I'd lost 4.5 pounds in 15 minutes!!!

So, if your back, shoulders, arms or neck are bothering you may want to set a timer and clean out your purse or bag.  I've heard and read endless times about how toting around all that extra stuff is literally a pain not only because it weighs us down but that it also throws off our posture and causes problems.

How much can you lose in 15 minutes?


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