Are we teaching kids not to think for themselves?   Here's what is making the news:

A Mom and Dad in Maryland who believe in 'free-range parenting' were investigated after the cops picked up their two kids -- ages 6 and 10 -- walking home alone in broad daylight in the middle of the afternoon from a park in January.   The park is only about a mile from the family's home.   The parents were found responsible for 'unsubstantiated' child neglect.  The parents are planning to appeal the decision on the basis that they just want to teach their children to be self-reliant.

Were you a "free range" kid growing up?

Do your kids have rules different from the rules you grew up with?

Do you think some parents are inadvertently teaching their kids not to think for themselves?


Call us before 9 am today:   383-1079  or post your comments



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