If you think that you can tell if someone is lying by their shifty eyes, think again.  Most of what you think you know about liars probably isn’t true. 

Here are seven facts about lying . . .

Getty Images: Dima Korotayev
Getty Images: Dima Korotayev

1.  Liars don’t have shifty eyes.  When scientists examined footage of people who were lying, their eyes didn’t shift to the left and right any more than people who were telling the truth.

2.  Lie detectors don’t work.  They’re still admissible in some courtrooms, even though expert liars can fool them easily.  Lie detectors measure anxiety, but experienced liars can stay cool and relaxed under pressure.

3.  You lie at least once a day.  In a recent study, average Americans admitted to lying, quote, “once or twice a day”.  And 56% believe they get away with it.

4.  People usually lie when there’s a time crunch.  Most lies aren’t premeditated.  They usually slip out when people don’t have time to think about the consequences.

5.  People tell their first lie at around age two.  Did you ever ask a toddler if they ate the last cookie or colored all over the wall?  Figuring out how to lie is one of those normal milestones like taking your first step.

6.  Lying makes you smarter.  Scientists say liars have stronger brain matter in their prefrontal cortex . . . because they can link thoughts and ideas that aren’t ACTUALLY connected in reality.

Obviously, that’s because those thoughts are LIES.  Honest people have a rough time coming up with stuff that isn’t true, but liars can make up stories on the fly and keep all the details straight.  And some of them even start to believe their own lies.

7.  Truth serum doesn’t really work.  You’ve probably seen this stuff in movies.  It’s actually a chemical called “sodium pentothal” and it removes your mental filters so you talk A LOT.  But what you spew out is only partially true, and the rest is fantasy.

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