So, you feel like you work your butt off and it's still a struggle to make ends meet?  You're not alone.

Do you stress about money?  There are thousands of people in Idaho who are technically living above the poverty line, but still can't earn enough money to pay off of the monthly bills.  In fact, 1 in 3 households in Idaho is considered "working poor."

It's hard enough to get the cell phone bill and the mortgage bills knocked out some months, and then the car gets a flat tire or the kids get sick and need expensive meds.  What do you do?  Life isn't easy. If you're feeling squeezed, you're not alone.

There's a new report from the United Way that says:

More than half of all jobs in the Pacific Northwest pay between $10 and $15 per hour, roughly $21,000 to $31,000 a year before taxes. That’s out of balance with a family of four’s average expenses for housing, child care, food and other basic needs in Idaho: $46,176.


Here's an opportunity for gratitude, if you're not struggling.  The good news is, two-thirds of Idahoans are coasting financially!  Okay, maybe the picture isn't quite that rosy.  But if you have a little cushion, be thankful.

And listen to win some freebies, cuz we've always got 'em, and who couldn't use a fun little boost now and then.  Stay tuned, and thanks for listening while you log all those important hours at work.  We appreciate it.

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